June 22nd: Packed and Ready
All our bags are packed and we are ready to go. The briefing are completed and there is nothing left but the final weather
briefing in the morning, breakfast and the the trip to the planes for the flag to drop. This day was more stressful than most for a final day. Vern left early to take care of getting Wild Mama to the avionics shop for the static check - should have been no big deal. When they started the check, there was a leak in the system. Vern was to text me when she was ready for the test flight. That call came at 6:00 p.m. this evening. I was frantic. We have until roughly 11:30 a.m. to get off the ground tomorrow morning - 3 hours past the last racer taking off. I was beginning to wonder if we would make it. I managed to get to the airport to meet Vern for the test flight. All systems were good and she checked out perfectly. Caroline, Lydia and I made our final strategy plans for the evening considering the weather outlook but we will be constantly adjusting and re-adjusting those plans when we see the actual weather. We will do our best. We will hope for the best and we will fly safely. Let's hope for tailwinds! June 21st: Briefings and Banquets:
By this time in the racing continuum, we are getting to the business of the race with the all racers briefing and the welcome
But tonight was the last of our official fun events for the start. The Colorado 99s
again hosted and outstanding event. We are honored this year to have one of the 300 or so surviving WASP's racing with us,
Bee Haydu. She received a standing Tomorrow are the safety briefings, flyby briefings and first time racers briefings. Then time to study the weather and be ready to depart early Tuesday morning. June 20th: Check and Double Check:
The last two days have been hectic: first seeing all of our friends and reuniting from last year - lots of catching up to
do. We also had the meeting this afternoon with the youth - showing them airplanes, learning about traffic control and trying to interest the next generation of aviators. The interest was quite high among the youth as they sat in the cockpit of the plane and got to play with the controls and participate as "airplanes" on the "runway" to see how the tower creates organized chaos out of complete chaos.
June 18th: When 6 is not 6: Morning came early at 0'dark:30 but we had to get moving to try to be wheels up at 0600. Flying to Leadville, the highest elevation public airport in the US at 9,927' is a challenge. The conditions must be ideal: little to no wind, great visibility, cool temperatures. Today, we had it all as the Leadville AWOS was reporting 6 kt winds, few clouds at 7,000' AGL and 44 degrees, making the denisty altitude about 11,300' on the runway. The mission is a GO! We had studied the route last night so we had a good idea of our landmarks and the places to fly
to give us the lowest altitude at the passes. We fired up and got As we cleared the Class B airspace we continued our climb to 11,600' - high enough to safely clear all of our planned passes by 1,000-2,000'. Again, we were "flying the colors" only this time we had a lot more reds surrounding us. The snow covered mountains were breathtaking as they towered high above our position. We followed the river to the lake; the lake to Highway 24; the highway through the pass into the high plains. As we neared Trout Pass and our turn-off into the valley leading to Leadville, we saw our ground speed drop significantly to 118 kts while our airspeed held steady at 145 kts. What happened to that 6 kt breeze that the AWOS is still reporting? We were being buffeted by the winds as the funnelled through the pass and in to the valley. Hang on: this one is going to be rough. Being flat-landers, we had originally thought of Leadville being on the top of a mountain at 9,927' and were quite surprised when we really started looking at the trip to learn that Leadville is the the bottom of a valley, surrounded by the behemoths of the Rockies.
An experimenatal twin engine Huey Canadian Military helicopter landed just before us. They were testing some new tail modifications and could only flight test of the winds were below 3 kts. AWOS was still reporting 6 kts but the winds felt much higher and made the morning feel much cooler than the reported 44 degrees, even in the sunshine. We chatted with the airport manager, Debbie Benson, a delightful lady, oddly enough from Florida! She gave us a little history about the airport and about the $2.00/gallon AvGas that we got. We only took 15 gallons and were quite upset but we dared not take any more due to the weight. All too soon it was time to say good bye to Debbie as the winds would be picking up soon. It was already 0830. Confident
in our ability to get off the ground, we still positioned Wild Mama at the last inch of the runway 16, held the brakes
and gave her full power up to 19" of As we landed at Centennial we were elated. Vern had wanted to tackle Leadville for 20 years and I was always looking for a challenge. Now it is done and we have the photos, certificates and smiles to prove it. June 17th: Denver Arrival: For the first
morning since we have been in Wyoming, we have had no fog in the valley when I got up. There were low ![]() Brenda had to be to work by 0800 meaning that it was time for her to get going to work. We hustled and got pack so
we could catch a ride to the airport with her. As we were pulling out of the subdivision, we saw the beginning of fog in the
valley. Afton was reporting 4 degrees Celsius for both the temperature and the dew point. This does not bode well. We called
Kemmerer and the ceiling there cam down from 9,000’ to 8,000’ – still high enough to get through but we
need to dawdle lest we lose our early morning opportunity to leave through the pass. As we blasted off from Alpine we had the AWOS on the radio
and the ceiling was still coming down at Kemmerer and now they were reporting light rain with 7,000’. We still have
room without becoming an airplane sandwich. We climb up to 9,800’ to keep right at 3,000’ AGL and give us the
best clearance. We can see the rain showers off in the distance and the chosen path is now becoming obscured. We are ![]() We remain on the ground nearly half hour waiting for the rains to pass. We see we can catch a pretty good tail wind
if we climb but that will necessitate filing IFR as the clouds were still 2,000’-3,000’ AGL. ATC sent us up to
11,000’: an altitude that we seldom fly. It was still cool and Wild Mama performed well as we zipped along
at 180 kts until we made the turn southward to Denver. Those pre-installed headwinds returned. ATC brought us in on the west
side of Denver over the city. We got a good look at the city and the mountains standing majestically to her west. We made
it and are ready for the race activities to begin. Having left so early, however, we did not take an opportunity for breakfast so we were pretty hungry by the time
we arrived. We called some friends
![]() June 16th: Fur and Family: After
the long day yesterday, the plan for today was family visitations and a bit of shopping. While yesterdays animal encouters
yeilded a bunch of the good critters, we were still missing a moose - Brenda promised us a moose and, by golly, today she
delivered. Heading up the canyon into Jackson
With the plan being an easy day, we drove to the top of Teton Pass for the last of our ground based vistas - absolutely spectacular - and the last of the critter action - some playful groundhogs on the rocks. Tomorrow we will depart for Denver when the fog breaks. Tonight we rest. June 15th: Fur
and Fumes: The first decision of the day was made for us by Mother Nature: drive. The fog layer started at about 50'
AGL in We headed out of the valley early this morning driving to
Yellowstone to see the animals and the geysers, both of I was hopping in and out of the car checking out the various
mud pots, fountains, steam holes and geysers on this west side of the park. Punctuating each thermal stop was an animal encouter:
another bear, elk, mountain sheep, buffalo, fox and a host of other critters. This made up for not being able to fly. Tomorrow is our last day here with plans for family visiting, shopping in Jackson Hole and rest. The
race has not even started and we are already having too much fun! June 14th: Airplane Sandwich: After a great nights sleep, we were up and ready
for wheels up by 0700. We could see some lower clouds off in the Airport elevation in Sterling was just at 4,000' feet and we
were heading straight for much higher terrain, so it appeared As we came to Kemmerer we could see the bigger rocks ahead. Now we had to fly the colors as the GPS
"direct to" is useless when you are flying low in the passes. We followed the highway west out of Kemmerer then
turned right toward Cokeville. Once we passed Cokeville, we knew that the colors were critical. We only had a narrow pass
at 8,700' to squeeze through and the clouds were not cooperating to allow us to go higher. The terrain was lower on the left
of the mountain so we opted for the lower terrain and saw almost immediately that the clouds were too close to the ground
at the far end of the mountain where we had to turn back to the east to go through the pass into Star Valley. But we spied
a gap in the rocks. The 496 had a more critical scale: yellow was 100'-500' and red was 100' or less. We had yellow in the
gap and a clear pass on the other side. We shot through the gap and came out in the clear with several The Alpine runway is very narrow and close to the mountain. The traffic for runway 13 is posted to be left but that was completely illogical. We did our downwind, close in followed by a short base and dog-legged final. We greased the landing as we watched the rain come in behind us through the Palisades Lake pass. Brenda was coming through the gate. We quickly fueled, off-loaded and headed north up to Teton National Park. The scenery through this part of the country is spactuaclar. The June storms were still
swirling about and the was much June 13th: Wandering
Westward: Morning came way too early this morning as I did not have a good nights sleep. If we are going to make
the We never saw crossing the Mississippi River.
For some odd reason, it is always an event to cross the river and I was
The ground was well visible by now and the quilted patchwork of American was clear: the subtle shades of greens and
browns woven together through out the high plains.We settled in for a slow smooth ride. The winds were very light toward the
ground, but the forecast dictated that we remain on an IFR flight plan as the conditions at Skyhaven, MO
This next part of the journey looked remakrably like the last part - a sea of white for many miles. When the clouds broke and gave way to the farm fields, the winds starting to pick up - in our favor - and we bumped along until we got to Imperial, Nebraska. We were met with a dramatic weather change at Imperial: the clouds were now building on top of us and we were skimming the bases. It was rough, the air cooled and our 125 kt leg turned in to a 150 kt leg in an instant. The clouds continued to build and we darted in and out for several miles until we saw a clearing long enough to call and cancel our flight plan and dive below the bases to stay legal VFR for the last 30 miles in to Sterling, CO. At 20 miles out we started a slow descent and came screaming in to Sterling. The winds that had been quite clam all day were now gusting over 20 kts. It was only another 45 minutes to Cheyenne but we are tired, the weather was forecast to deteriorate and we were met by such a delightful gentlemen, Sam, that we could not pass on the offer to take the courtesy car and remain in town for the night. Sam got a text of a level 1 tornado warning. He got us into a hangar and fueled Wild Mama to make her ready for an early morning departure should we so desire. She is safe and I can rest for the night. On the way to the hotel, we spy the Overland Museum, an unassuming little building
sitting next to the highway. There were all sorts of small farming artifacts sitting outside, and the
wild flowers that dotted the front yard seemed inviting. We decided to stop in after checking in a hotel and getting a long
overdue meal. The Museum was amazing. That small building turned into an 11 building complex that housed more artifacts than
there are
June 12th: Wheels up! After a bit of a delay for
a court hearing this morning, Wild Mama and crew were wheels up at high noon - not
the ideal time for flight out of the State of Florida in the summer time. But Mother Nature was happy with us today and she
let us continue all the way to our destination without the slightest hint of rain or convective activity. However, we had
the usual (to quote Trish Minard) headwings that came This was the familiar part of our journey. We fly out on a 343 heading toward Cross City; on to the Greenville VOR, skirt Albany Class D, head east of the MOA and Columbia area, hit TIROE, KAPT and on in to SRB. We hugged the shoreline at Crystal River and could see Cedar Key off in the distance. Each little airport and familiar landmark holds a memory of an adventure past. I spy a rather large ship in a rather small river; marvel at the greenery in Georgia and hunt for a once seen water falls west of Chattanooga. Otherwise, the trip is familiar like and old friend.
We briefly debate about pressing on or staying with friends in the area. Folks are accustomed to our visits as the cabins rent very well and we seem to be lacking a place to stay for our R & R time. We are tired, however, and the thought of more flight for the evening is not appealing. We will rest and get a fresh start early with the hope that the midwest storms will seek their playgrounds elsewhere. As the remainder of the ARC racers come through Sparta enroute to the finish, I hope they all find
the area as enchanting as I have. Tennessee has many State Parks, waterfalls and countryside filled with very enchanting old
barns. The cabins are for rent through www.tennesseelogcabinforrent.com. Please enjoy the photos and the view
June 2nd: The transformation
process has begun! Wild Mama will soon be the lean, mean racing machine. The process today was simple: shed everything
Vern will be taking over tomorrow stripping the inside so I can finish the new carpeting - her present
this year. We should save May 31st: Wild Mama
officially heads to the hangar today for the beginnings of her race preparations. Vern will be working diligently over the
next 2 weeks to
![]() ![]() May 6th: Flight testing once again for Wild Mama. We have balanced the prop with the new prop tape on her and she is flying well, now. Wild Mama has always been plagued by a small amount of vibration and adding the prop tape to save the leading edge of the prop did not help. Now she is balanced and ready to go. We did a few high speed runs - no runway buzzing, however, as that has been well practiced in previous races. We also have her new carpet. The old carpet is stiff, nasty and probably is carrying 30 lbs of dirt and ground in grime. The new is the same color, just much nicer. Wild Mama has a few more flights to make before race time so the final mechanical prepartions will not happen until the last minute (oooo how I hate that last minute stuff), but in this case it is a necessary evil. We will schedule her spa treatment for June 10th as the tentative plan is a June 12th departure with a stop in TN and Jackson Hole, WY prior to the race. We are just over 1 month from departure. April 30th: All of the entries are finally in and processed and there are 34 race teams registered this year including 7 collegiate teams and 5 teams with extra crew-mates, like Team Wild Mama; so the field is set. We have our baby birds: another group, mostly from Florida; a three-some like us; great ladies including one of the 300 remaining W.A.S.P's. I have not yet met Bee (yes, Bee is a WASP), although I have met her pilot and co-pilot. Super ladies piloting Classic 26. We have not yet started to prepare Wild Mama as it is a bit early and there is much flying yet to be done; but trusty mechanic, Vern, has his punch list ready to go and he will make sure that she is ship shape for the adventure ahead. As for the living, breathing part of the team: we have matching outfits ready to go; NAV log ready to go; charts have been ordered. We are waiting for registration and hotel information so we can finish the ground plans, then we study the route and weather until "the big day" arrives. Hmmm....I thought I dispensed with homework when I left college. |