As you can see from past years, our Team grew large with the support of our family, friends, business associates and sponsors. That's where YOU come in. The 2013 Air Race Classic Team Wild Mama wants you to join by helping us cover the costs of flying in the race. Wild Mama needs fuel: lots and lots of fuel; she also needs oil and race specific maintenance. Terry and Ellen need stuff, too. We have entry fees and other racing fees to pay; food and hotel nights during the trip;  and charts and navigational information. A little help from a lot of sources will take us far. Thank you for your support and for joining Team Wild Mama for the 2013 Air Race Classic.


  Fuel:  $5.00/ gallon


  Hotels:  $100.00/ night 


  Food:   $25.00/ meal


Charts & Navigation:  $15.00/ 2 charts


Contribute to the general race fund

Thank you for your support!